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ponedjeljak, 24. prosinca 2018.

Ero s onoga svijeta

Ero s onoga svijeta” deo je zbirke “Šaljive narodne priče” koje su nastale kao zapisi nekadašnjih usmenih predanja. Tehnički, one su stvarane naraštajima i to zato što su stalno nanovo prepričavane, prenošene usmenom predanjem, s kolena na koleno, a pritom su, naravno, menjane, prilagođavane, ponekad malo nadopunjavane, a ponekad bi izgubile nešto sadržaja. Mnogi skupljači narodnog blaga slušali su, skupljali i beležili usmena predanja, pa tek u svojoj pisanoj formi narodna priča postaje koliko-toliko stalna. Ipak, stalnom se prepiskom i ona menja. “Šaljive...

četvrtak, 20. prosinca 2018.

ISPOVEST: 3 dana pred svadbu moj decko slavi momačko veče, kaže ide na piće sa drugovima. Ja u stanu sa par drugarica…

3 dana pred svadbu moj decko slavi momačko veče, kaže ide na piće sa drugovima. Ja u stanu sa par drugarica, sedimo, pijemo, pricamo,veselimo se, ja sam prva u društvu koja se udaje, uzbuđenje veliko. Odjednom, vidim da je jedan njegov drug postavio na stori nešto, otvorim a imam i šta da vidim: moj verenik sedi u fotelji dok mu u krilu sedi polugola striptizeta. Izlišno je reći da sam svadbu otkazala. U životu se nisam osetila ovako poniže...

I feel devotion

REAL MADRID The squad that is playing like this has not been seen on European grounds for a long time. Real has returned his faith in European basketball for the past two seasons. They play for a point more, for the move and what's best they win in almost all games. Their percentage of shots are in the right sense madness of the brain. In the Spanish championship Real is without a defeat in the 12 games played. They throw almost 90 points per game with unreal 43% of the hit points for three points (in which they hit 10 trophies per game !!?) They...

srijeda, 19. prosinca 2018.

Charles (Barkley)

"I'm no one, I'm just a basketball player," Charles Barkley often said. And what a basketball player was ... So strong and dominant on the field. One of those who could do it all alone. Charles was too low for his position, with an eternal excess of pounds, but he made a chaos in the racket ... He scored, jumped and assisted, simply carrying his opponents on his shoulders. The younger ones know him as a witty TNT commentator, for my generation was the definition of a toy beast. Magic had a smile. A man with such a smile simply can not be bad....

utorak, 18. prosinca 2018.

Bad guys

Their trademark was defense and readiness for all moves to win. They beat up and provoked and created enemies on all sides, but at the same time they were an outsider team. "Bad Boys" reunited 10 days ago in Detroit, and a documentary will be broadcast tomorrow on a much-needed unique team. A center that thrashes the threes and does not know how to play back on the basket. Backs that mostly play on half-Jews. A low wing that only plays the back and only occasionally opens for a shot from the distance. The whistle that jumps in the defense and...

Incomparable Hakeem The Dream

A man with 1000 moves. At the same time, an outright attacker and a defender. A football goalkeeper who has become one of the best basketball players of all time. A combination of elegance and efficiency. Hakeem's game was like his nickname - san. The operation of dental root extract is generally presented as an oblique obligation. You appeared, you hold on a little while, and after two days you are in operation. "You will be ready to transfer matches after two days!". Yeah. As he rubbed his right head of anesthesia from the anesthesia, and the...

nedjelja, 16. prosinca 2018.

Pismo majci

Sergej Aleksandrovič Jesenjin rođen 1895. godine, jedan je od najpoznatijih ruskih pesnika 20. veka. Živeo je burnim životom, ženio se četiri puta, opijao se i pokazivao bunt. Njegov stil života postao je veoma uticajan i popularan među mladim ruskim piscima, zbog čega je pojam “jesenjština” – vezan uz ovog pisca – označavao je boemski i dekadentan odnos prema svetu i društvu. Njegova poezija najpre je odraz sledbeništva ruskih simbolista, pa on tako piše pesme posvećene selu i prirodi, koje sadrže brojne metafore i melodičnost. Prva psnička zbirka...

Ero s onoga svijeta

Ero s onoga svijeta” deo je zbirke “Šaljive narodne priče” koje su nastale kao zapisi nekadašnjih usmenih predanja. Tehnički, one su stvarane naraštajima i to zato što su stalno nanovo prepričavane, prenošene usmenom predanjem, s kolena na koleno, a pritom su, naravno, menjane, prilagođavane, ponekad malo nadopunjavane, a ponekad bi izgubile nešto sadržaja. Mnogi skupljači narodnog blaga slušali su, skupljali i beležili usmena predanja, pa tek u svojoj pisanoj formi narodna priča postaje koliko-toliko stalna. Ipak, stalnom se prepiskom i ona menja. “Šaljive...

subota, 15. prosinca 2018.

Coach K

Mike Krzyzewski achieved a 1000th victory in the NCAA career a couple of days ago, the absolute record of this competition. In his biography, the US national team coach has only two Olympic golds, two world championships and one NCAA title in the last six years. The story of a man who, beyond all expectations, has become a living legend ... "In coaching, the most important thing is that you have someone who keeps your backside. Knowledge, motivation, preparation, everything is important, but if you do not have someone above you who trusts you...

četvrtak, 13. prosinca 2018.

Life and Death of Roja Tarpli

"Mr. Tarpley, you are not a drug addict ... you are an alcoholic. You should be able to drink drugs longer," said one doctor in Dallas, explaining to Roy what he really is suffering from. Tarpley pulled his shirt off and looked at the gray man puzzled, who in a few sentences explained his whole life to him ... "You and only you can deal with this. We will help you as much as we can, but without your true desire everything will be in vain." Roy came to the NBA as part of that unfortunate draft class of '86, in which there was almost no player...

Dražen Petrović:

I do not remember that several different people asked me just one topic for this Tuesday. On the street, in a cafe, in the store ... How to reject the text about a man who has shifted the standards of European basketball, which made every good quality from these spaces compare with him. We have not found a replacement until today and I do not believe that we will ... One of my extremely dear people, whose advice I highly appreciate and appreciate, said: "Some people are destined to be legends, in order to do things in their short life for which...