četvrtak, 13. prosinca 2018.

Wilt's hundred is still alive

The most dominant striker ever seen by the basketball world, one of the most talented athletes in general. His statistics and the day-to-day foreplay of every fan of this game.

Wilt Chamberlain still holds almost 100 valid NBA records today ...

"I played several bats, drank a few drinks, made love all night with a beautiful girl, and then I boarded the Philadelphia train early in the morning ..." This is how Wilton Chamberlain described his preparations for the game against the New York Knicks. Although he played for Phil Wilt, he lived in New York and traveled to every race mostly by train. So it was in a game where he scored 100 points. The sword in a small hall in Hershey, about 130 kilometers away from Philadelphia, was watched by 4100 viewers, although in the later years, dozens of thousands of people with the same story came to Wilt ...

"I was watching live when you scored 100 points ...", his answer was always the same ... "You were there? You know, I was the same ...."

There was little interest in Hershey. NBA league fought for their place under the sun. There was no transfer, Video recording does not exist. It has a fourth-quarter audio record and only a few photos of which is the most memorable one prepared by the legendary statistician guru NBA Harvey Pollack at that time, a spokesman for Philadelphia, where Wilt holds the 100-page paper. Pollack sent reports to four local newspapers with each matches because they did not have the money to send their people even 100 kilometers from the city ...

How not to be fascinated by what Wilt did in his career?

If you've played more than 10 serious baskets in your life, you are aware of how difficult it is to score points for anyone, anywhere, and at any level of basketball. That's why all Chamberlain numbers look fascinating. The teams prepared themselves for him, and he again did not have a lot of trouble to hit 60 and achieve 30 rebounds. You can hardly make his statistics on a video game, and this is really the best description of Wilt's basketball capabilities ... Man-video games.

For many athletes we say they were far ahead of their time. Wilt looked as if someone had teleported him from the 23rd century in the 1960s. We should look good to find someone who was a talented athlete from Big Dipper. Athletics was his first and greatest love. Wilt was running at 100 meters for 10.9 seconds !!, 400 meters was running 49 seconds, he jumped 201cm, dropped the ball 17 meters, and jumped 6.8 meters longer.

Now ... let's say about 1956!

"Basketball was a game for my aunts, but basketball was a god in Philadelphia. I was tall and so ...."

Wilt has been a machine for baskets and jumps since its middle-aged days. At Overbook, his high school won three championship titles and had one series of three consecutive matches where he scored 74, 78 and 90 points.

"I was Goliath in a world full of David. No one is cheering on Goliath ..."

There are few players in the history of basketball who received more batons on the ground than Wilhelm Chamberlain. Ever since high school, Wiltha was guarding three of them once and four. Poisers in the back and back, spitting, tweezing, swinging the hocks, biting the hand ... all this had to endure and play. For a wonderful miracle, he rarely lost his mind on the ground. As it was greatly described by former NBA player and coach Jack McMahon: "The best thing for the NBA league was that God made Wilth as a good person .... he could do everything to kill us with his left hand ..."

Sometimes he would have beaten him and he would raise the opponent's center half a meter from the ground and say: "It's enough ..." At that time, basketball was not particularly tactical, nor was there too many athletic mighty players but you could hit the toil under the basket.

"I liked Kansas. I wanted to play for Phoenix Allen ...."

It did not happen. Namely, first-year players could not play basketball. When Wilt got the right to perform Allen went to retirement and Kansas got a new coach. UCLA also offered the development of an acting career with basketball. Pennsylvania offered diamonds !? but Wilt did not stay close to home. He failed to win the title in college. In the final against North Caroline they were guarded by three at any time. Carolina, since then there were no restrictions on the attack, it was postponed in every possession.

He was voted the best player of the final, although his team lost the match. Years later he admitted that it was his worst defeat in his career. Earlier leaving college in the profession was massively charged. He sold his story to a magazine for 10 thousand dollars. At that time, NBA players had less than 9,000 ...

"Good afternoon, Mr. Chamberlain, I am Walter Bellamy." "Hello Walter, I'm Wilt. Just so you know you will not kick the basket in the first half ..."

Wilt normally bounced off nine of the first Walt Bellamy shots in that match. This was the first time he hit the ring below.

I do not think that nobody will ever be able to explain what Wilt Chamberlain did in his NBA career. The numbers from which you turn to your head you. How to describe what happened in the 61-62 season? Imagine that stupid valorisation was then ... how much Wilt would it have? 150, 200? Throughout the season, he missed only eight, eight minutes in a game because he was ruled by Judge Earl Storm. In the season he played 48.5 minutes in AUGUST !! 50.4 points per game !! 26 rebounds per game.

The blockade did not take place during that league period, but Harvey Pollack, for example, said that in one game he counted 26 blocks of Chamberlain. Wilt had 30 points and 23 rebounds in his career for the game. Of course he is the only player in the history of the league with such averages. In his career, a man made 24,000 jumps. Imagine 24 thousand jumps !! Comparing only 22 NBA players in history have scored more points than Wilt has jumps ....

So far in the NBA history, there have been 64 games in which one player scored 60 or more points. Half are the property of Wilhelm Chamberlain. His reflection was somewhere between 105 and 120cm (he had different data) and Wiltt had used minimal dancing as a means of reaching points in most of his career. Why? "I did not want to be just using the height and the power to point."

He caught his hood from a turn from the board, something that looked like a semi-humorous and laying down ale Gervin. He was seven times the best scorer of the league, 11 times the best jumper, one year and the best assistant. He's the only player ever with four thousand points in a season. Jordan liked most of the three thousand. Nobody else is close. All this Wilt did with the third worst penny rate ever, something about 51 percent. Imagine that at least he had 60 percent. Everyone would have twisted our brains. And this is how all these figures are terrifying, even if they were against the chairs and cardboard boxes ...

"I should cut off my leg and stay on the bench ..."

Bill Russell made this statement after the seventh NBA Finals match in 1969 in which Wilt injured his knee and could not play the final. Because of this statement, two otherwise good friends did not talk for more than 20 years. Reconciliation took place in the mid-90s after Russell's private and then public apology. It was and remained a duel that polarizes basketball historians. Russell won much more titles Wilt made an incomparably better individuation career. Who is going to prevail?

Probably unsolved, although it should always be noted that Bill Russell was the best coach of that time in the Order of Auerbach and was surrounded by incomparably better players, all in all the members of the Hall of Famer Cousy, Sharman, Heinsohn, Ramsey, Sam and KC Jones, Havlicek. Wilt's team-mates, especially when he was in power, were mostly passers-by. Duel Wilt - Russell has also produced a record that will almost certainly not be dropped in recent times. Chamberlain made an inhuman 55 jump against Celtics in one game !! While some cyborgs do not play basketball, this will be difficult to endure ...

"Now that I no longer play history, I will remember as someone who helped his teammates win, while they will remember you as a cousin, loser and guy who always gave up ..."

Another socializing that ended badly. This was how Kareem Abdul Jabbar's message was sent to Wilt. Chamberlain was a Kareem idol for a long time. Young Jabbar watched Wilt dominate the famous games at Rucker Park in New York (Wilt had once knocked so strongly that the concrete ball had bounced across a high metal fence characteristic of US terrains on the street where the car was run over by it). Wilt also removed the banknote from the top of the table in Rucker Park before the witnesses while young Kareem fell into a trance.

Chamberlain let Jabbar into his world, but as soon as ten years younger Kareem started to win the NBA, Wilton's critics began to take on his account. The Lakers tried to return to the League of Wilts in the early 80's, who was then almost 50 years old as a player who would briefly change Jabbar ... his answer: "Kareem can only change me ...". They never did not ...

"Mr. Chamberlain ... You can not get into the slippers in the slippers"

Yes, yes ... Wilt was also a trainer.

ABA league was probably the craziest in basketball history. They were constantly trying to attract spectators. In 1973, San Diego named Wiltha Chamberlain as its chief coach for $ 600,000. Wilt came to the game with a Los Angeles helicopter and led the swords in the slippers until the league's leaders paid attention to more appropriate dressing. He missed a couple of matches because he "had a smarter job", one for distributing autographs, and once he simply went to the cocktail party. The coaching work did not occupy him. That's why San Diego's owner remained bound by contract with him for the rest of his life. Wilt was by far the best-paid basketball player. Almost regularly three to five times more paid than anyone else in the NBA. After his death in 1999, his brothers and sisters left $ 25 million ... what Iverson would give for that money today ....

"Somebody collects postage stamps ... Wilt is collecting

We will never find out if the story of the 20,000 women with whom Chamberlain allegedly slept is true ... but in any case and as an urban legend does not sound bad. It is certain that a large number of women passed through Wilt's hands. His friends testified that he slept with 23 different girls during a 10-day vacation in Hawaii. From there, it is allegedly a story about 20 thousand.

The figure is derived from the mathematics agreed by Wilt and his other "conservative" addition and adding the number of years of sexual activity. Wilt's house on Bel Air looked like a mini Playboy castle with mirrors and water beds. Chamberlain never married and did not want to have children ... Before his death, he gave the following statement: "In my life, I learned that having a woman is a thousand times much greater pleasure than having a thousand women per one ...." The zombies commented ... "He only needed 20,000 checks to find out ..."

"Doctors? What kind of doctors ..."

For the past seven years, Wilt did not want to recognize himself as having heart problems. The doctor walked around in the wide harbor. Friends, that narrow circle that was always with him was in vain trying to explain the seriousness of the situation to him. Wilt did not want an operation, he retreated to himself. Dramatically he lost weight, as if he had lost his will for life, as if he did not want to fight. He died on October 12, 1999, on the floor of his house in Bel Air. The heart of the supermodel stopped quitting. When he died nobody was nearby. He simply lived such a life. He wanted to be cremated ... his desire was fulfilled ....

When selected among the top 50 NBA players of all time, the first sentence read: "It was an unstoppable basketball force, the most amazing attacking force ever seen in this game ...."

No one can dispute that. Hundreds still live ....

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